What does Realcoach do?
Leadership coaching, team coaching using the Systemic Team Coaching method, individual coaching and Gestalt psychotherapy are extremely broad-based subject areas that Realcoach deals with on a daily basis. For several years, we have supported numerous managers and teams, conducted a series of workshops, (web) seminars and also trainings, focusing mainly on developing conflict resolution, emotion management and more effective time and resource planning skills at the level of managers, teams and entire organizations.
Each of our clients’ journeys has been unique and unrepeatable, tailored to the challenges that have arisen beforehand or during the coaching process. However, it is clear that every team, manager or individual supported by Realcoach has taken one or more steps closer to their goals.

Meet the team
Reesi Valge, PPC, leadership & systemic team coach
I am an accredited coach and have acquired the highest internationally recognized team coaching qualification from the Global Team Coaching Institute. I have experience in leading several very diverse teams both in Estonia and abroad, and driven by this, I came to the realization nearly six years ago that it is as a coach that I can create the most value. That is how Realcoach was created.
During these seven years, I have coached a number of top managers and smaller and larger teams. This experience has given me a broad knowledge base that I use to create and develop special methods, tools, processes, trainings and workshops. Of course, each of them is adapted to the needs of the coached leader or team.
Yes, people are extremely different, but the dynamics of teams and the challenges they face are relatively similar. Indeed, there are no exactly identical problems and solutions, but with the support of well-conducted coaching, it is possible to lead teams in even the most difficult situations towards clear roles, common goals, effective supportive cooperation and better results. This is my goal as a coach.

My qualification as a coach is based on:
– Estonian Business School – AoEC Accredited Executive Coach (February 2019)
– Global Team Coaching Institute – Team Coaching Foundations Certified Coach (January 2022)
– Global Team Coaching Institute – Systemic Team Coaching (STC) Certification (February 2022 – December 2022)
– International Coaching Federation – Professional Certified Coach (September 2022 – August 2024)
One of my favorite mottos is:
The best coaches coach themselves out of a job. The goal is not to keep people dependent but to give them wings.
– Jesse Lyn Stoner
You can contact me by calling +372 5455 2212 or writing to reesi@realcoach.ee
Elo Mets, Gestalt psychotherapist in training
I found the way to Gestalt psychotherapy through my life experiences and encounters that brought greater awareness of myself and thus the recognition that I could be a supporter, a non-judgmental companion to other people, whether on the journey of self-development or in a difficult period of life. More and less difficult experiences in my personal life have given me the ability to see people without any prejudice, without expectations or assumptions, to take setbacks as valuable lessons, to leave the past behind, and to understand that life supports me if I follow my heart. I am sincerely interested in people – every person is extraordinary to me. I value authenticity, self-awareness, self-development, self-esteem, inner satisfaction and balance.
I have been working as a Gestalt psychotherapist since 2020, currently I practice as a psychologist at the Emajõgi Learning Center of the Maarjamaa Educational College, where I offer support to young people aged 12-17. The main areas I have dealt with as a therapist so far: relationship problems, stress, anxiety, depressive moods, abuse and recovery from it, including a relationship with a narcissistic person (both grandiose and covert narcissism), fears, anger, traumas, low self-esteem.

My qualifications as a therapist are based on:
– Middlesex University accredited Metanoia Institute Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapy Master’s (MSc) programme
– Tartu University Institute of Psychology: Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Psychopathology courses
– Estonian Association of Gestalt Psychotherapists
– UK Association of Gestalt Practitioners (UKAGP).
One of my favourite mottos is:
Be yourself, because everyone else is already taken.
– Oscar Wilde
I can be reached by calling +372 511 3932 or writing to elo@realcoach.ee